A collection of all of my articles and scientific papers.
Europe under siege by Omicron
Why do European states with high vaccination rates seem so affected?
The Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 utterly baffled the scientific community with its worrying amount of mutations, unexpected behaviour, and the emergence of the strain itself. The new variant was able to quickly spread worldwide and pushed many countries to reintroduce strict anti-epidemic measures. Many opponents to the mass vaccination campaigns use the opportunity to blame the surge of cases and the emergence of the variant on the vaccines. However, it was mass immunisation that played a key role in reducing the damage that Omicron inflicted on the European continent.
Impact of anti-epidemic measures in Bulgaria on COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.
What of an impact did the anti-epidemic measures have on the COVID-19 morbidity, mortality and the course of the epidemic in Bulgaria? Which measures were most effective in reducing the spread of the virus? Our team set off to answer these and many more questions. 

The analysis was published in Vol. 13, Issue №4 for 2021 of the Bulgarian Journal of Public Health, published by the National Center for Public Health and Analyses at the Ministry of Health.

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